The Latest with MM
Three MM Live shows this summer!
We’re going on tour!
OK, we are not going on tour. (danimal is, side note)
We are playing 3 shows this summer though! Nerdapalooza is July 15-17 in Orlando. Bit Gen Gamerfest is July 30 in Baltimore. And PAX Prime is August 26-28 in Seattle. Check out the previously linked links for the BIG details, and you can scope the full list of SWEET acts at all three shows right about now:
(pixel art on homepage is from NickelEdge BTW. He’s amazing.)
Nerdapalooza: (Orlando, July 15-17)
- I Fight Dragons
- Metroid Metal
- The Protomen *ACT I + ACT II*
- Armcannon
- The Bossfights
- brentalfloss
- Koo Koo Kanga Roo
- MegaRan
- The OneUps
- Schäffer The Darklord
Bit Gen Gamerfest: (Baltimore, July 30)
- The Protomen
- Metroid Metal
- Entertainment System
- Rare Candy
- Armcannon
- The OneUps
- Year 200X
- The Descendents of Erdrick
- Bit Brigade
- X-Hunters
- Cheap Dinosuars
- Ice Cap Assault
- Random Battles
- DJ Cutman
PAX Prime: (Seattle, Aug 26-28)
- Minibosses
- Metroid Metal
- Jonathan Coulton
- Paul and Storm
- MC Frontalot
- Video Game Orchestra
- Supercommuter
Posted by Stemage on Jun 29, 2011 @ 10:54pm