Song Downloads
Metroid Prime 2
Track | Game | Length | Date Posted | ||
Torvus Bog INFO | Metroid Prime 2 | 5:25 | 09/23/2008 |
About The Songs
To download a song, right-click the download icon and choose "Save Target As" or "Save As" to save the songs to your computer. For more track information, click the track name. You can also sort by game, length, date posted, and song title.
Each song is a 192kbps mp3. If you are interested in a remastered lossless CD, click here.
I've completed songs from Metroid (NES), Super Metroid (SNES), Metroid 2 (GB) Metroid Prime (Gamecube), Metroid Prime 2 (Gamecube) and Metroid Prime 3 (Wii). Thanks for listening!
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