The Latest with MM
New MM track on ‘Harmony of a Hunter’
It’s the 25th Anniversary of Metroid! Party! Here’s a NEW track on a NEW 2-CD compilation with NEW artwork. #new
Happy Birthday Samus!
The next MM track covers the ‘spike’ and ‘queen’ tunes from Metroid 2 (titled M2Q). It’s a pulsing mess of prog and dissonance – appropriate we feel for the last boss of Metroid 2. As with any boss fight, the song is a bit easier to stomach each time you go back to it. This was a fun experiment for Chunkstyle and myself, and we hope you enjoy it. :)
Metroid 2 – Queen Battle
Metroid 2 – Spike
The track will be downloadable off the site soon, but for now, we’re leaving it as a part of the new ‘Harmony of a Hunter’ compilation by It’s a 2 album collection of Metroid music celebrating 25 years of bounty hunting. It really is a masterful collection. M2Q is a part of that collection, and you can get the compilation with the new Metroid Metal track here.
With the new tune is a new banner by Nate Horsfall (FoxDragon). He’s the same cat that did the Tallon Overworld artwork, and he also did all the art for the ‘Harmony of a Hunter’ collection. I don’t think a piece could have captured the chaos of the M2Q track better than this. It’s completely sick, down to the Gameboy color scheme. Click the image for the full res version. You can also check out the making-of video on YouTube.
M2Q – End of Line – 6000 x 1690
Rock on y’all!